Minipocalypse Commission Miniature Painting
Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Warmachine, Hordes, Board Games and more!
When I was contacted to do a Wrath of the Lich King themed Slaves to Darkness starter set commission, I was thrilled. Having been an avid World of Warcraft player since the original release, and having thoroughly enjoyed the expansion, it was a theme that was exciting and easy to imagine
As I continue to work on a custom colour-scheme Warhammer 40k Tau army for a client, this time I bring you an Empire Commander and three Broadside Battlesuits.
Painted up a couple more Heroforge minis including a Halfling Monk and Tiefling Barbarian.
Getting into the game a little late? That’s ok! Here are the base heroes for Game’s Workshop’s Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower game. Includes Excelsior Warpriest with Gryph Hound, Darkoath Chieftan, Fyreslayer Doomseeker, Mistweaver Siah, Knight Questor and Tenebrael Shard.
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire plus individual ally and villain packs painted for a client. Ally and villain packs include: Jabba the Hutt, Bantha Rider, General Weiss, Royal Guard Champion, Luke Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano.