Wrath of the Lich King Themed Slaves to Darkness

When I was contacted to do a Wrath of the Lich King themed Slaves to Darkness starter set commission, I was thrilled. Having been an avid World of Warcraft player since the original release, and having thoroughly enjoyed the expansion, it was a theme that was exciting and easy to imagine

Slaves to Darkness - Warriors
Slaves to Darkness – Warriors
Slaves to Darkness - Knights
Slaves to Darkness – Knights
Slaves to Darkness - Knights
Slaves to Darkness – Knights
Slaves to Darkness - Gorebeast Chariot
Slaves to Darkness – Gorebeast Chariot
Slaves to Darkness - Gorebeast Chariot
Slaves to Darkness – Gorebeast Chariot
Slaves to Darkness - Sorcerer
Slaves to Darkness – Sorcerer

Tau Empire Commander & Broadside Battlesuits

As I continue to work on a custom colour-scheme Warhammer 40k Tau army for a client, this time I bring you an Empire Commander and three Broadside Battlesuits.

Tau Empire Commander & Broadside Battlesuits
Tau Empire Commander & Broadside Battlesuits
Tau Empire Commander Front
Tau Empire Commander Front
Tau Empire Commander Side
Tau Empire Commander Side
Tau Empire Commander Back
Tau Empire Commander Back

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower

Getting into the game a little late? That’s ok! Here are the base heroes for Game’s Workshop’s Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower game. Includes Excelsior Warpriest with Gryph Hound, Darkoath Chieftan, Fyreslayer Doomseeker, Mistweaver Siah, Knight Questor and Tenebrael Shard.

Excelsior Warpriest, Darkoath Chieftan, and Fyreslayer Doomseeker front view
Excelsior Warpriest, Darkoath Chieftan, and Fyreslayer Doomseeker front view
Excelsior Warpriest, Darkoath Chieftan, and Fyreslayer Doomseeker back view
Excelsior Warpriest, Darkoath Chieftan, and Fyreslayer Doomseeker back view
Mistweaver Siah, Knight Questor, and Tenebrael Shard front view
Mistweaver Siah, Knight Questor, and Tenebrael Shard front view
Mistweaver Siah, Knight Questor, and Tenebrael Shard back view
Mistweaver Siah, Knight Questor, and Tenebrael Shard back view

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire plus individual ally and villain packs painted for a client. Ally and villain packs include: Jabba the Hutt, Bantha Rider, General Weiss, Royal Guard Champion, Luke Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano.

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire plus Ally and Villain packs
Star Wars Imperial Assault Characters
Ahsoka Tano, Jarrod Kelvin, & Imperial Guard Champion
Star Wars Imperial Assault Characters
Drokkatta, Ko-Tun Feralo, & Luke Skywalker
Star Wars Imperial Assault Jabba the Hutt
Jabba the Hutt
Star Wars Imperial Assault Bantha Rider
Bantha Rider
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire
Star Wars Imperial Assault General Weiss
General Weiss